One of the groups I always do challenges with on the Fitbit app is VMware community related. The idea for it came from a hashtag I participated on before I got diagnosed called #vFit. I stopped participating and when I would check it, there was a lot of non-VMware stuff in there (sure fitness related but definitely not just the vCommunity)
When I started with Fitbit I thought about joining an existing a group or starting one, but didn't know any people that fit both circles. It wasn't until VMworld 2015 that I seriously made a point of identifying people with fitbits and adding them as friends. Through this I was even able to meet and discuss the idea with Jim Jones that ultimately became this blog. I checked and #vFitbit wasn't taken, so i've been using it since.
We're a pretty stable bunch of guys - i don't think we're more than 10 that always join. We can always create another challenge if needed, but so far it hasn't happened. It's by far the most difficult and motivating group I do challenges with, and it's incredibly tough for me to win it :)
I've started a public twitter list for people who were comfortable with being listed and reached out to for joining twitter challenges - it's here:
Thanks so much for Jim Jones and Matt Crape that supported this crazy idea! But also, to my vFitbit friends who either haven't seen this or didn't feel comfortable with being publicly called out (which is perfectly fine and understandable!). Each week of competition is a big motivation for me, and it means a lot!
If you are currently not doing challenges with other people and would like to, reach out to us. We'll gladly put you in, publicly or not! Hopefully this becomes a good problem and I hit the maximum challenges every week :D
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